February 18, 2025

Platinum is a shimmering white metallic component with a shocking sheen and is most generally known as a model for making adornments. The name platinum originates from the Spanish expression, platina del Pinto, which means minimal silver of the Pinto River – a tributary of the San Juan stream in the Choco region of Colombia. Gold ancient rarities containing platinum have been dated as far back as 700 BC. In the pre-Columbian Americas, individuals of current Ecuador made lovely antiques with platinum. Unadulterated Platinum is striking shimmering white in shading and it is entirely flexible and pliable which implies that it tends to be beaten into slender sheets and brought into meager wires. It doesn’t get oxidized even at high temperatures and it is resistive to consumption. Platinum is an incredibly uncommon component, considerably rarer than gold. For all the previously mentioned reasons, Platinum is depicted as a respectable metal.


Platinum is meant by the image ‘Pt and has a nuclear number of seventy-eight. It has a place with Group 10; Period 6 and square d of the occasional table. The components in the square of intermittent table are referred to as change metals and in that capacity, platinum is additionally a progress metal. A gathering of six metals are bunched along with Platinum in the occasional table and this gathering is known as the Platinum Group of Metals or PGM. The PGM bunch incorporates the accompanying metals:

  • Palladium: Has been named after the space rock Pallas.
  • Rhodium: Has been named after the rose shade of its salts.
  • Iridium: Named after Iris, the goddess of the rainbow for the assorted shades of its salts.
  • Osmium: After the Greek word for scent, on account of the chlorine like smell of its unstable oxide.
  • Ruthenium: Name depends on the Latinized word for Russia.
  • Platinum: Derived from the Spanish expression, platina del Pinto, which means minimal silver of the Pinto River.

There are not very many platinum sources on our planet. Truth be told, over 90% of world platinum yield is gathered in only two regions, viz. the Bushweld Complex in South Africa and the Ural Mountain in Russia. Moderately enormous stores of platinum are additionally found in Colombia and Canada. The significant expense of platinum is a consequence of its irregularity and the huge assortment of employments it can achieve, especially substance and mechanical employments. Except for small alluvial stores of platinum, palladium and iridosmine, none of the minerals on our planet contain significant metal from the platinum gathering. Or maybe, platinum minerals are generally profoundly appropriated in sulfide metals, especially the nickel mineral pentlandite. TheĀ platinum group metals recovery bunch will in general happen in similar minerals and the most widely recognized platinum-bunch minerals incorporate laurite, irarsite, osmiridium, cooperite, and braggite. In contrast to gold and silver, which could be promptly disengaged in a similarly unadulterated state by basic fire refinement, the platinum metals require convoluted fluid concoction preparing for their segregation and recognizable proof.