February 19, 2025

As the help work force of a person that has O-1 visa, which is given exclusively to those showing uncommon accomplishments in the field of TV, movies, amusement and games.  Assuming you are documenting a request to get the O-2 visa, you should demonstrate that you are a fundamental piece of the O-1 visa holder’s accomplishments and execution. You should demonstrate that you are simply attempting to offer help to the singular holding the O-1 visa and need to show that main you have the basic experience and abilities that cannot be satisfied by any US resident. On the off chance that, you are a basic piece of the help group of a sportsperson, to be qualified for the O-2 visa, you can be a translator, mentor, ref or mentor that plays a significant part. For applying for the O-2 work visa, the business in US needs to document in the I-129 Structure which is the non-settler laborer application.

Furthermore, as this particular visa goes under the classification of non-outsider visa, as a candidate you should show that you are on a brief task while you have a house/home in your own country that you do not plan forsaking. While the fundamental advantage of going to USA on an O-2 visa is that you can get the visa rapidly and are allowed to venture out forward and backward from US however many times depending on the situation during the length and legitimacy of the visa. Also, obviously, you can apply for O-3 for the family. The prerequisites to get the O-2 visa are like the O-1 Chung minh tai chinh needs that incorporate USCIS endorsement and a warning assessment from the friend bunch or the administration of the organization. There are many records that you really want to document in when you put in your request for the O-2 visa.

The principal archives should be the proof of the business contract with the O-1 visa holder and on the off chance that, it is oral arrangement you should offer the support outline and portrayal. Composed sentiments in warning structure from the particular people or associations and you will have to give the clarification about the exercises that are to be embraced alongside the dates of the occasions and a duplicate of the exercises/occasions schedule. However it might look simple, it is a dreary cycle to finish the vital customs and documentation. You can assume the administrations of a counseling legitimate master or a movement legal counselor to assist you with finishing the important technique. Not in the least do the migration lawyers grasp the complexities and escape clauses in the law yet they are accustomed to working with the public authority organizations and consequently, can assist you with getting ready for the visa recording and meetings.